Upon Hearing the Prediction of Snow for the Washington, DC, Area, Written by One Who Has Lived There for Over a Quarter-Century

Bread and milk and toilet paper!
Snowshoes, hats, and skis and poles!
Snow is coming! Snow is coming!
Spread the salt and stir the coals.

Snowplows sit with blinkers blinking,
Students line up in the hall,
Radios announce the panic
As the flakes begin to fall.

Metro's open underground,*
Outdoor stations will be closed.
Thousands trapped on escalators!
Things are worse than we supposed.

Drivers slide along the Beltway
From the dusk until the morn,
Must get somewhere in a hurry,
Brakes don't work, so use the horn.

Bread and milk and toilet paper!
A phrase to chill you to the core.
Snow is coming! Snow is coming!
At least an inch! and maybe more!

December 2007, with later revisions.


Released under Creative Commons: (1) You are free to reproduce these works at will without asking my permission. If you make millions of dollars off them, I'd appreciate it if you'd throw a few dollars my way. (B) Attribute them to me, Fred King, if feasible. (iii) If you make improvements, please send them to me at phred (at) phred (dot) us.