Where did the records go?
By Fred King
As seen on the Koha and Koha-US lists, posted on Friday, 6 December 2019.
A while back I was trying to figure out a way to export records that I had just uploaded to Koha so I could get information in the 999 field. (So I could build a new RSS file with links to the bib in the MedStar Authors’ Catalog, but that doesn’t really matter at the moment.) "Export Data" wasn’t working—the export files had zero bytes.
While I was pondering a possible solution, the muse grabbed me by the keyboard and we produced a litter of couplets. Then someone (Katrin, was it you?) suggested unchecking the "With items owned by the following libraries" box, and it worked like a charm.
That left me with an obsolete poem.
I hate waste.
What to do? Well, I added a few more couplets below the "-----" as an appendix wherein I reveal the solution. The meter gets a bit twisty in places, but it really does scan. I won’t attest to the accuracy of all the information presented.
I upload records by the score
Into Koha's reservoir
From "Manage Records" dialog
Import into the catalog
Rebuild Zebra then I look
To see what's new, with bib as hook.
To find one is no chore at all
Search for bib number? What a doll
My Koha is! if only one
Bib record I want and I'm done
But now I want to see the batch
That with my Koha I did hatch
I want to see all that is new
But soon I'm mired deep in glue
Perhaps Reports will now display
The records that I've done today.
The Koha SQL collection
Might point me in the right direction.
Alas, I get an error message!
It doesn't work! There's no expressage!
Then from the menu Main I go
To menu Tools, because I know
That in the column Catalog
Export Data, like a dog
Has served me faithfully before
And helped me through the catalog's door.
Export records by the date
they're cataloged? No bytes, not great.
Export records by bib range?
Still no bytes, it's very strange.
If these don't work, what can I do
To see my MARC creations new?
Can I put them in a cart?
All bibs selected, part by part?
That seems to work; they are just fine
Complete with MARC tag 999.
But now I want to add a date
260$c--is it too late?
I add the line and recompile
Then upload the replacement file
Check dups on field 097
A field I added--plucked from heaven
Still I'd like to understand
What happens to my little band
Of records new that with my hand
From Reference Manager so grand
I fashioned into format MARC
So they can shine out in the dark
To show the world what we have done
In MedStar's realm of medicine
Does anybody have some thoughts?
I'd sure appreciate them, lots.
For curiosity, you know,
Librarians do not forgo.
BUT WAIT! I think I found a way
To find additions for the day
Most likely other specs as well
But on this point I shall not dwell.
From Export Data uncheck the box
For owning lib'ry, that unlocks
The filter that prevents me from
A happy, joyous MARC outcome.
And if you have more than one branch
"Clear all" allows the avalanche
Without a lot of extra clicking.
Make haste! I hear the clock is ticking.
And that, my friends, is my solution
That works well at my institution.
And I'm reminded every day
Where there's a Koha, there's a way.

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