Interlibrary Loan Angst

To borrow, or not to borrow, that is the question--
Whether 'tis nobler in the library to risk
The viruses and malware of outrageous hackers
Or to shut our doors against a sea of knowledge
And in the name of safety end it? To read, to share
No more, and to be safe to say we end
The ordering of articles, the fast delivery
Our residents are heir to? 'Tis a halting
Devoutly to be avoided. To e-mail, to Odyssey,
To borrow, perchance to infect; aye, there's the rub
For in that PDF, what virus may come,
When we have opened up the article
Must give us pause. There's the worry
That makes calamity of so long a tradition.
For who would accept the PDF of a stranger would risk
The HIPPA's rules, the sysadmin's security
The patient records, the wrath of CMS.
Who would these Docline requests bear
To grunt and sweat over a weary scanner
But that the dread of something from a PDF
The undiscovered malware, from whose bourn
No PC returns, infects our records
And makes us rather bear those ILL delivery systems of old:
The fax, the mail, or fly to others that we know not of.
Though Docline does make lenders of us all,
The native hue of generosity
Is sicklied o'er, with the justifiable cast of fear
And risks to systems of great pitch and moment.
With this regard our trust might turn awry,
And lose for us the service of ILL. Soft you now,
The fair Ariel. Nymph, in all thy Odysseys
Be thou all your risks remembered.

Released under Creative Commons: (1) You are free to reproduce these works at will without asking my permission. If you make millions of dollars off them, I'd appreciate it if you'd throw a few dollars my way. (B) Attribute them to me, Fred King, if feasible. (iii) If you make improvements, please send them to me at phred (at) phred (dot) us.